Biyernes, Disyembre 26, 2008

Homily for December 25 Christmas Vigil Mass

Christ our Light!

Christmas Eve Homily

How does it feel to be in the midst of darkness! What are your feelings! Fear (afraid), confused, lost, abandoned, neglected, etc..

When you began to see light, how does it feel? Do you feel the joy coming out from your heart, gladness, gratitude, happiness, bliss, satisfaction etc.

My dear friends, Christ comes to bring light into the darkness that surrounds us. This is what our first reading clearly tells us today. Christ as lights is also the reason why we put Christmas decors with bright colors all around us. It is Christ that we are reminded of when we light candles and adorned out homes and halls with Christmas lights. “People who walked in darkness have seen a great light!” the prophet Isaiah said it very well for us. That is why Saint Paul calls the Christians of his time, “Children of Light”.

Now the light of Jesus Christ is not one that fades, is consumed and eventually dies. For Christ Jesus choose it best to be in flesh and blood, to be one with us at all times in order to effect the salvation promised for his faithful people. As Saint Paul would say to Titus, “the grace of God has appeared, saving all and training us to reject godless ways and worldly disires…”

Now, our waiting is over, we are no longer supposed to be groping in the dark for Christ our light is here with us! So, it has to be Jesus who will light and guide our path.

In a book of compiled sermons, a Welshman described his going home. He says the little children look through the windows and see him coming and with trembling lips cry out, 'Mother, father's coming home" The mother exclaims, "Then bar the windows and shut the doors, for your father is a maniac," and every door is fastened and window shut. Then he describes how they look through the chinks and the windows and say once again, "Mother, it is not father it looks like him, but he is walking up the path and coming quietly toward the house." But the mother exclaims: "Keep perfectly still, for your poor father is not himself." Suddenly there is a hand placed upon the latch of the door, and it does not yield, and then a quiet knocking is heard, and at last a voice which they have not heard for years, "Mary, please open the door and let me come in, for I have seen Jesus of Nazareth, and he has set me free. Let me come in and I will be a good husband to you and a good father to the children," and Christmas Evans says the door was instantly thrown wide open, and when the husband and father came in he brought heaven in with him.

That is the beautiful conversion story of Christian Evans, one of the renowned Christian preachers who himself experienced the transformning power of Christ’ Light in his life.

Finally, Christmas seems not complete if I will not mention Santa Claus. But let me share with you why Jesus as our Light is better than Santa Claus:

Santa lives at the North Pole. JESUS is everywhere.

Santa rides in a sleigh. JESUS rides on the wind and walks on the water.

Santa comes but once a year. JESUS is an ever present help.

Santa fills your stockings with goodies. JESUS supplies all your needs.

Santa comes down your chimney uninvited. JESUS stands at your door and knocks.. and then enters your heart.

You have to stand in line to see Santa. JESUS is as close as the mention of His name.

Santa lets you sit on his lap. JESUS lets you rest in His arms.

Santa doesn't know your name, all he can say is "Hi little boy or girl, What's your name?"

JESUS knew our name before we did. Not only does He know our name, He knows our address too. He knows our history and future and He even knows how many hairs are on our heads.

Santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly. JESUS has a heart full of love.

All Santa can offer is HO HO HO. JESUS offers health, help and hope.

Santa says "You better not cry". JESUS says "Cast all your cares on me for I care for you.

Santa's little helpers make toys. JESUS makes new life, mends wounded hearts, repairs broken homes and builds mansions.

Santa may make you chuckle but JESUS gives you joy that is your strength.

While Santa puts gifts under your tree JESUS became our gift and died on the tree.

It's obvious there is really no comparison. Jesus is way up and beyond santa. Yet we need to remember WHO Christmas is all about. Jesus is the reason for the Season. For he comes to be our light! MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Homily for December 24


Homily for December 24

(9th Simbang Gabi)

It feels good to be remembered! What would you feel, let us say today is your birthday but no one among your friends and in your family members ever greeted you. It looks like they have forgotten that it’s your birthday today? In one way or another, it seems that we all have the need to be remembered.

Yesterday, a classmate of mine whom I have not seen for almost five years called me up from Germany where he is assigned to extend his Christmas greetings in advance. I felt so happy that he gets in touch. So I said to him, “Thank you for remembering me this Christmas!”

The theme of “Remembrance” also constitutes the theme of our Gospel today where Zechariah extolled the greatness of God by a song of praise, the Benedictus in which he said, “He promised to show mercy to our Fathers and to remember his holy covenant. This was the oath he made to our fathers…” Zechariah praised God for having remembered to fulfill his promises of salvation to God’s people. This is also what the first reading reminds us of, makes us remember as given to David, that is, from his house will come God’s great act of “remembrance”, the birth of the Messiah, what the Scriptures refer to as “the root of Jesse” in order to fulfill his promise of salvation.

Christmas too is part of God’s remembrances for the birth of the Son of God sends us the message that the Father constantly remembers us and will never abandon us. So Jesus is Immanuel, meaning, God is with us!

Very important is the fact that the Holy Mass is God’s daily and constant remembrance. The Euharistic Prayer of Consecration says it well: “Do this in remembrance of me.” In fact, all sacraments consist of or are all about the remembrance of Christ and his salvific act. No sacrament is valid unless it commemorates the Paschal Mystery.

So the Church is a sacrament because by her life she enables the faithful and others to recall Christ’s redemptive act. Each community or family too can be a sacrament of remembrance by the manner it witnesses to Christ gift of redemption.

Now, it is possible for us to remember Christ because God has remembered us first.

Linggo, Disyembre 7, 2008

Second Sunday of Advent B

God calls, “Venez!”

By Arnold C. Biago, SVD

The Church tells us that Advent is a time for waiting and longing for a future yet to come that is also at the same time already fulfilled in our midst.

The prophet Isaiah in the first reading provided the first voice of this human longing for the coming of the God-Savior. Isaiah spoke to the exiled Israelites in their trying moments: “Prepare the way of the Lord… Here is your God… He comes with power” coupled with vivid images of abundance, peace and prosperity associated with God’s blissful presence.

Now, our faith clearly and distinctly tells us that this longing for the coming of the Messiah is fulfilled in Jesus. In fact, in our Gospel today, John the Baptist announced the coming of the Messiah, “Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths!” Also, John declared that the Messiah’s work will be far greater than his as he said, “I have baptized you with water; he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.”

Who then are we waiting for, which the season of Advent constantly reminds us of? Recall what we constantly profess with ardent faith: “Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again in glory!” The season of Advent then is renewed and intensified invitation to us to “own” and to “live” our faith in Christ who loved us by calling us to share in his glory.

Almost a month ago, I and the rest of the junior SVDs here in Congo went to the Bonobo Park. There I had the chance to watch closely this particular species of primates which happens to be at that time idling lazily under the shades playing, grooming each other or simply just lying on the ground unmindful of us who were at the other side of the fence. After a while, a caretaker came closer to the fence and shouted at the top of his voice, “VENEZ! VENEZ!” an imperative statement in French meaning “come” for he was “inviting” them to proceed to a particular place. Instantly, all the primates rose to their feet running away from us. Surprised by their reactions, Father Noi, wittingly said, “See, how intelligent these primates are, they understand French better than us!”

My dear friends, Advent is not an idle do-nothing kind of waiting and longing for the coming of the Lord but also and most importantly it is an invitation from Jesus to share in his life. Indeed, in this season, God is calling for us, “venez!”

In our lives as faithful followers of the Lord there are many occasions where he is inviting us, moments in which Jesus is calling for us, “venez!”

Sacramentally and liturgically, the Holy Eucharist is one great moment where the Lord invites us to come and share in his life by being nourished by the Word of God and by partaking in the Sacred Meal, i.e. receiving his most precious body and blood.

Also, the Sacrament of Reconciliation is a totally obvious reference to God who is constantly waiting for us to be reunited with him by giving his unconditional love and forgiveness.

Among others that I will no longer mention is that Advent is also an invitation from God to recognize too his very presence in others. That is, that each person is a man, a woman saved and loved by God as myself.

To end this reflection, let me share with you a story:

One day, a boy asks permission from his mother, “Mommy, I’d been longing to see and meet God. May I spend this day to search for and meet God.” The very amused mother replied, “Fine with me my dear Son! Just be careful, and take care of yourself well!” The boy then prepared for a long journey, he placed several cans of soda drinks and potato chips inside his bag and left for a journey.

After several hours of walking and looking around for the place of God, the boy passed by a park. Tired, hungry and thirsty, he sat on a long bench beside a woman. He took out some cans of soda and potato chips. He was about to eat when he noticed that the woman seems to be hungry and tired, so he gave him potato chips. The woman smiled back as she was greatly delighted by the kind gestures. Caught by her beautiful smile, the boy shared to her cans of soda drinks as well in order to catch more of her beautiful smile. Again, she smiled back in gratitude. Since the boy liked so much to see the woman’s smile he stayed at the park together with the later, sharing food and smiles until sunset.

The boy decided to leave and go back home. Before leaving he gave the woman a big hug thanking him for her beautiful smiles, and from her face she saw the most beautiful smile he would never forget.

When the boy get back home, her mother was so surprised to see the glowing radiance of his face. She asked, “what happened to you son?” The boy gladly replied, “Mom, I’ve seen and meet God, and she had the most beautiful smile!”

The woman too get back home, her daughter who opened for her the door was also surprised to see the bright face of her mother. “Mother, where have you been? What happened?” She happily replied, “I meet God in the park, I could not believe he was that small and young!”

My dear friends, we too can readily meet God who constantly invites us if we have the eyes of faith, if we begin to recognize God in the small acts of kindness we receive from others. We meet Jesus also even in the smiles of those who have been touched by our kindness. With an eyes of faith, we begin to share in the life of God, and live with God.

The difficult situation that surrounds us (more particularly in Congo) oftentimes makes us think that God has abandoned us. I believe it is in this situation where we will meet God who suffers with the people he loves and died for. Show then to one another the face of God. In this way, we share to make come true our longing for the coming of God.

Lunes, Nobyembre 10, 2008

Wise Virgins are all we are!

This is a remake of a Sunday (November 8, 2008) homily delivered by Fr. Louie Dailisan, SVD missionary based in Democratique Republique du Congo on a Holy mass in Saint Ann Chapel I concelebrated with in Kinshasa. Fr. Louie is a parish priest of village community in Bandundu province, 400 kms from Kinshasa.—FR. ARNOLD C. BIAGO, SVD

In one remote village of Afrika, a man took the responsibility of the construction of a school building through the aid of the foreign funding agency. Since the funding agency is based in Europe and have no way to check the progress of the project, this man thought of diverting some the funds. The funding agency on their part, continuously sent funds to this man, relying only the data they culled from the construction phases report sent to their office quarterly. Finally, the project was completed according to the report sent to the office of the funding agency. Now, calculating the cost of sending a staff to check on project, the foreign funding agency instead requested their embassy in the said country to visit the project and represent them in the inauguration ceremony. The ambassador then sent his staff to notify the project local coordinator of the desire of the funding agency to inaugurate the project. Lo and behold! The ambassador’s staff discovered that there was nothing to be inaugurated other than unfinished foundations of the building standing idle in the site. He also discovered that the project coordinator instead used the funds to buy a big parcel of land and constructed a big house for himself. The pictures he sent to the funding agency where other privately funded construction of buildings. Certainly, no inauguration happened.

What happened in this anecdote is essentially the same as what the Jesus speaks of in the Parable of the Ten Virgins. The five foolish virgins were indeed foolish not because they lack enough oil for their lamp rather they did not use properly the oil given to them for the occasion. We heard it clear from our Gospel that, “the foolish ones, though they took their lamps, took no oil with them, whereas the sensible ones took flasks of oil as well as their lamps.” We might ask why they not brought flask of oil like the other five. I believe they want to use it on another occasion of their choose.

Like the ten virgins as well as the man responsible for the construction of a school building, I truly believe that God has given us all something of value of different kinds. Unfortunately, what usually happens is we keep a lot for ourselves and failed to give in to what God desires and wills for us. In this way, disasters, failures, and all kinds of troubles happen in which humanity suffers.
Let us then remind ourselves that what God has given us is not solely for our own rather it is to be spent according to His intention instead of our own. Jesus Christ, who spent his life not for himself but for his Father’s will is the best example of what is to be one among the wise virgins, who brought along with them flask of oil to be spent on the occasion desired by the Master.
Let me share with you another story as an ending to this Gospel reflection:
A renowned engineer of a construction firm is soon to retire. He was so far the best in the company. The company president trusted him so much. One day, he called him to his office and as asked him to do one last and special project before he retires: “You construct the most beautiful house you could ever imagined, get the best people and use whatever resources we have, no budget ceiling, it’s all yours.” said the company president. The engineer gladly accepted the task. The project commenced and he was awed by the grandeur of the project he is directing. Instead of admiration of his team’s talents and the beauty of the house, what he harbors in his heart are grudges and resentment. “Here I am leaving this company after giving 30 precious years of my life empty handed and tired. Whereas, the company has acquired for itself a name and wealth. This project is a waste of my time and talent.” So he slowly distanced from the project and asked his inexperienced staff to supervise the project and cut the cost by using cheap and substandard materials. Finally, the dream house was finished a week before his retirement. By his judgment, the house will not last more that five years and will be toppled by an ordinary storm. The company was very happy to see how beautiful the dream house is. He congratulated the engineer who directed the project, then decided to have the company tribute for him and at the same time inauguration of the house on the coming weekend. The night of the double celebration came, the company president spoke thus, “This is a very special night for all of us because we are blessed to have the best in our company and so our company would also want to give him the best as a token of appreciation. Here I am holding a box of keys to his house, the symbol of its ownership, which I am very proud to give to our very own project engineer who is now retiring!”

In our own little ways we are all project engineer whom God asks to build a dream house. We need to build this house properly and in all honesty by our very own efforts of goodness and love. Because this house is our own, the home we have to build with God.

Sunday Homilies / Reflections

Wise Virgins are all we are!

This is a remake of a Sunday (November 8, 2008) homily delivered by Fr. Louie Dailisan, SVD missionary based in Democratique Republique du Congo on a Holy mass in Saint Ann Chapel I concelebrated with in Kinshasa. Fr. Louie is a parish priest of village community in Bandundu province, 400 kms from Kinshasa.—FR. ARNOLD C. BIAGO, SVD

In one remote village of Afrika, a man took the responsibility of the construction of a school building through the aid of the foreign funding agency. Since the funding agency is based in Europe and have no way to check the progress of the project, this man thought of diverting some the funds. The funding agency on their part, continuously sent funds to this man, relying only the data they culled from the construction phases report sent to their office quarterly. Finally, the project was completed according to the report sent to the office of the funding agency. Now, calculating the cost of sending a staff to check on project, the foreign funding agency instead requested their embassy in the said country to visit the project and represent them in the inauguration ceremony. The ambassador then sent his staff to notify the project local coordinator of the desire of the funding agency to inaugurate the project. Lo and behold! The ambassador’s staff discovered that there was nothing to be inaugurated other than unfinished foundations of the building standing idle in the site. He also discovered that the project coordinator instead used the funds to buy a big parcel of land and constructed a big house for himself. The pictures he sent to the funding agency where other privately funded construction of buildings. Certainly, no inauguration happened.

What happened in this anecdote is essentially the same as what the Jesus speaks of in the Parable of the Ten Virgins. The five foolish virgins were indeed foolish not because they lack enough oil for their lamp rather they did not use properly the oil given to them for the occasion. We heard it clear from our Gospel that, “the foolish ones, though they took their lamps, took no oil with them, whereas the sensible ones took flasks of oil as well as their lamps.” We might ask why they not brought flask of oil like the other five. I believe they want to use it on another occasion of their choose.

Like the ten virgins as well as the man responsible for the construction of a school building, I truly believe that God has given us all something of value of different kinds. Unfortunately, what usually happens is we keep a lot for ourselves and failed to give in to what God desires and wills for us. In this way, disasters, failures, and all kinds of troubles happen in which humanity suffers.

Let us then remind ourselves that what God has given us is not solely for our own rather it is to be spent according to His intention instead of our own. Jesus Christ, who spent his life not for himself but for his Father’s will is the best example of what is to be one among the wise virgins, who brought along with them flask of oil to be spent on the occasion desired by the Master.

Let me share with you another story as an ending to this Gospel reflection:

A renowned engineer of a construction firm is soon to retire. He was so far the best in the company. The company president trusted him so much. One day, he called him to his office and as asked him to do one last and special project before he retires: “You construct the most beautiful house you could ever imagined, get the best people and use whatever resources we have, no budget ceiling, it’s all yours.” said the company president. The engineer gladly accepted the task. The project commenced and he was awed by the grandeur of the project he is directing. Instead of admiration of his team’s talents and the beauty of the house, what he harbors in his heart are grudges and resentment. “Here I am leaving this company after giving 30 precious years of my life empty handed and tired. Whereas, the company has acquired for itself a name and wealth. This project is a waste of my time and talent.” So he slowly distanced from the project and asked his inexperienced staff to supervise the project and cut the cost by using cheap and substandard materials. Finally, the dream house was finished a week before his retirement. By his judgment, the house will not last more that five years and will be toppled by an ordinary storm. The company was very happy to see how beautiful the dream house is. He congratulated the engineer who directed the project, then decided to have the company tribute for him and at the same time inauguration of the house on the coming weekend. The night of the double celebration came, the company president spoke thus, “This is a very special night for all of us because we are blessed to have the best in our company and so our company would also want to give him the best as a token of appreciation. Here I am holding a box of keys to his house, the symbol of its ownership, which I am very proud to give to our very own project engineer who is now retiring!”

In our own little ways we are all project engineer whom God asks to build a dream house. We need to build this house properly and in all honesty by our very own efforts of goodness and love. Because this house is our own, the home we have to build with God.

Sabado, Mayo 24, 2008

Solemnity of Corpus Christi

Jesus is the bread of life…

White bread, rye bread, wheat bread, pita bread, zucchini bread, and pumpernickel! Are the kinds of bread more popularly known. Biscuits, Scones, Baguettes, Bagels, Croissants, Tortillas, Pitas, Naan bread, Lavash, Pretzels, Pizza dough, are the kinds of bread listed by Wikipedia. Try to check the nearest bakery and you will see that they have at least 10-15 varieties of bread. Perhaps no food comes in as many varieties as bread. These great varieties of bread tell us very clearly that it is very important in our life. In fact, bread is very essential for our survival, that is why it known as the staff of life.

It is in this context of the great importance and necessity of bread for human survival that we have to understand the words of Jesus when he said, “I am the bread of life…” Jesus wanted to show that what he is, what he offers is as important, essential and vital for our survival as the bread we eat. When Jesus speaks of himself as the bread of life three things need to be considered.

First, it is not about physical satisfaction. When the Jews heard of Jesus telling them of the bread of life they thought of Moses who gave them manna while wandering in the dessert. But Jesus is greater than Moses. Moses fed their ancestors with bread yet they died; but Jesus will feed them with bread that gives eternal live. Jesus said, “Unlike your ancestors who ate and still died, whoever eats this bread will live forever.”

Second, by eating the bread of life one becomes one with Jesus. As Jesus would say, “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him.” Notice how Jesus eats: Jesus “takes” and “blesses” the bread and wine, these are actions reserved to a host, head, or guest of honor of the meal. Yet Jesus also “breaks” the bread and “gives” the wine—actions supposedly done by and proper to a servant. His intention is very clear, that there are no longer masters and servants, rather all are brothers and sisters. All are equal because they are one as Jesus lives in each and every one.

Third, one receives the bread of life by accepting Jesus himself in ones life. As the Gospel would put it, “Amen, amen I say to you unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drinks his blood you will not have life within you.” Jesus’ demand looks impossible and hard to swallow. It even looks unthinkable and unimaginable. Yet he or she who eats the body of Christ and drinks his blood is prepared to live what is unthinkable and unimaginable, that is, that Christ becomes alive in ones person and life.

By receiving Jesus, the bread of life in the Eucharist, a person participates in the bond of communion of Jesus offers to his friends. In the Eucharistic communion, a person shares in the fullness of life Jesus won for us by his death and resurrection, becomes united with Jesus, and commit him/herself to proclaim Jesus to others by the life he or she lives.

To end our reflection let me share with you a story related to us by one of the SVD missionaries who was assigned in Korea in the 80’s. He shared it I one of our recollections in CKMS. One day while he was celebrating a mass, he felt so uneasy in a way that he could not understand why. Nevertheless, he conscientiously proceeded with the celebration of the Holy Mass. The Mass proceeded as usual. While distributing communion, he noticed a woman who was kneeling on the first few becoming restless. She ignored the lady, and finished giving communion. Afterwards she approached the woman to check on her because it looks like she was choking. To his great surprise drops of blood were dripping from her lips. He asked the woman to open her mouth and lo and behold, there was a round shaped white flesh on her mouth. The Sacred Host literally turned into the real flesh of Jesus with blood coming out of it.

This missionary showed us pictures of this event, and there it was, as he told us. The woman was Julia Kim, a visionary, while the missionary who told us this story is Fr. Gerry Orbos, SVD. Miraculous events like these have happened as early as 700 AD and was verified by the Church to be authentic. They help us in our faith in Jesus’ real presence in the Eucharist. But more than a proof it is a constant testimony of Jesus, the Son of God who offered his life on the cross for our salvation. Amen.

Biyernes, Mayo 23, 2008

Friday Week 7 Ordinary Time

Marriage witnesses to God’s love

A couple was getting married and was very excited about the prospect of spending their honeymoon in Europe. They do not want to spoil their honeymoon and travel abroad so they planned early. Infact, they discussed and listed every detail of it, what are the places they will visit, where will they stay and all the things that they will bring along with them. After spending days preparing everything about their honeymoon now they boarded the plane excited and very happy. While they were buckled up in their seat as the plane takes off the run way, the wife said in desperation to her husband, “Darling, we’ve forgotten something very important.” In reply the husband said, “No we didn’t, we’ve listed it all and done it all?” “Yes we did, we have forgotten something very important darling.” the wife insisted. “And what is it that we have forgotten?” the irritated reply of the man. The wife said, “We have forgotten to get married.”

In our Gospel today Jesus teaches about the great importance of marriage by emphasizing the need to preserve it. He argued that Moses gave the permission to divorce in Deuteronomy 24 because of the stubbornness of their heart; whereas, it was not so in the beginning. Rather, it was the reason man that will leave his father and cling to his wife and the two shall become one, citing the beginning of Genesis. Then Jesus concluded, “What God has put together, let to man separate.”

It is very important and imperative to preserve marriage. We have a popular “kasabihan” in Pinoy that captures it very vividly: “Ang pag-aasawa ay di parang kaning isusubo na iluluwa pag ikaw ay napaso.” True enough because, marriage demands couple to be prepared and ready to embrace the life-long commitment of the sacrament.

Indeed marriage is a sacrament. It is not simply an agreement between two contracting parties who decided to live together and who can also decide to end the contract once they find it inconvenient. But rather the marriage of man and woman is a venue to experience God. The life of fidelity and love shared by the husband and wife is meant to proclaim God who is faithful and love.

The Old Testament is primarily a love story between God and his people Israel. Yahweh is madly in love with Israel, whereas Israel is not. Israel is known for its infidelity who worships idols here and there. That is why the prophet Hosea identifies Israel as a harlot, a prostitute. But even if Israel is a whore, a harlot, Yahweh continues to love her, for his love is HESED… the Hebrew word for the love that endures, a faithful love. As the Psalmist say, “For God’s love endures forever.”

This is the vocation proper to husband and wife, that they be loving and faithful to their partner because God was faithful and loving from the beginning to the end. For if they are faithful in their love they give witness to God whose love endures forever.

Miyerkules, Mayo 21, 2008

Wednesday Week 7 of Ordinary Time

Face the Evil One

Three years ago I was assigned in one of the universities of the SVD in the southern part of the country. Expectedly, my superiors asked me to teach, so they assigned me to teach ReEd. One of my students in ReEd, claimed that he is an atheist, someone who does not profess belief in God. One day, I got the chance to talk to him. So I asked him, “how come you would not believe in God?” His replied, “Look around you brother, what you see, children starving, people without shelter and dying here and there because of floods, earthquakes, and bombs; if there is God why would he allow these things to happen? See the news, people are summarily executed for petty things and the rich continuously amassing wealth for themselves while the destitute continue to live in misery, if there is God, why would he permit all these evil to abound?”

There is much truth in what my student observed, the truth is evil abounds and we find them in many forms. In fact we can identify two forms of manifestations of evil. First, there are evil situations and events, like the corruption in the government, murder, misery, and all other forms of suffering. Second, evil in itself, like what a well known film claims, “The Exorcism of Emily Rose.” Evil in itself is not only known in films, many of us I believe have personally encountered it or have heard of individuals possessed by the Devil, that is why we heard of priest doing exorcism.

Evil is a truth and reality we face and encounter. What are we going to do then before and in the face of evil? Can we drive them out? The disciples too have encountered evil, as our Gospel today declares. Are we to be envious of those who can drive out evil spirits? Or do we contribute to evil situations and events by our sinful actions.

Allow me to share with you a story that I have read. One day a young woman was walking home from work when she saw a sight a little girl standing on the street corner, begging. The little girl's clothes were paper thin and dirty, her her matted and unclean, and her cheeks red from the cold.

The young woman dropped a few coins in the begging bowl, gave the girl a smile and walked on. As she walked she started to feel guilty. How could she go home to her clean and fresh house with its full pantry and well supplied wardrobe while this little girl shivered on the street in the cold and wet nights?

The young woman also began to feel angry, angry with God. She let her feeling be known in a prayer of protest. "God, how can you let this sort of things happen? Why don't you do something to help this girl?"
And then, to her surprise God answered. He said, "I did do something. I created you."

Truly our vocation is to fight evil and not to blame God for it. God made us to confront it and challenge it whenever we encounter them, lest we become an instrument of it. Let us fight the evil one and situations of evil in order to let God reign.

And let us remember that we are not alone in this crusade, there are many of us who desires peace, goodness and charity to reign and rule our lives. If others contribute to the crusade of eradicating evil in society let no envy separate us from them, for as Jesus said, “For whoever is not against us is for us.”

Linggo, Mayo 18, 2008

An Experience of God as Trinity
Arnold C. Biago, SVD

Sa pelikulang Star Wars ni George Lucas ang sinasabi nilang greetings ay, “May the force be with You!” Ang gandang pakinggan no! Anu kaya kung gamitin natin yan sa Misa at sabihin ko sa inyo, “The force be with you, and may the force bless you in the name of George Lucas, the Jedi group and whoever will they be…” Hindi lang ito nakakatawa at walang kahulugan para sa atin kundi isa rin itong blasphemy—paglalaro sa pangalan ng Dios. Para sa atin mga Kristyano, ang Dios ay higit pa sa isang kathang isip o ideya sa Siyensya na ang nakikita ay walang iba kundi “matter” at “energy”. Kundi ang Diyos ay Maykapal na makapangyarihan sa lahat na may gawa ng langit at lupa. Hindi lang yan, para sa ating ang Diyos ay nagkatawang tao at nakipamuhay sa atin, si Hesus na manunubos. Ang Diyos din ay patuloy na nakikiisa sa atin sa pamamagitan ng kanilang Banal na Espiritu, ang Espiritu na mula sa Ama at Anak. Kaya ang turing natin sa Diyos ay Pag-ibig.

Sa isang International School sa Singapore ay nag didiscuss ang dalawang bata habang nag snacks sa School Canteen. Ang isa ay Anak ng isang Catholic Diplomat na Pinoy at sa naman ay anak ng isang American diplomat na Jew. Tinanong ng batang Jew ang batang Pinoy na Catholic, “What is that words you say before you eat, ‘In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit’?” Ang sabi ng batang Pinoy, “I thank God who gives me this food and ask him to bless it, who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” “You mean, you have three gods?” Sagot ng batang Pinoy, “We have only one God” Sabi uli ng batang Jew. “No you have three gods, one who is Father, one who is Son and one who is Spirit, this is what we learn in Math, 1 + 1 + 1 = 3.” Ang sagot naman ng batang Pinoy “Your Math has not improved, its not addition that we use here but multiplication, 1 x 1 x 1 = 1, right?”

Ang Banal na Santatlo ay di ganap na maipapaliwanag at maiintindihan kung gagamit lamang ng addition kundi kailangan nito ay multiplication. Ang imumultiply ay hindi ang Diyos kundi ang sarili na ito ay maging bukas na maranasan ang Diyos bilang Ama na may likha ng lahat. Tatlo sa tinatawag na “great world religions” ang nagkakaisa sa paniniwalang ang Dios ang may-likha ng lahat, ang mga Kristyanismo, Islam at Judaismo. Subalit para sa atin mga Kristiyano, dahil sa dakilang pag-ibig ng Diyos Ama sa kanyang mga nilikha ay sinugo niya ang kanyang Nag-iisang Anak para ibalik sa kanyang piling ang kanyang mga nilikha. Kaya ang Diyos ay naging Tao at nakipamuhay sa atin bilang ating manunubos, si Hesus. Sa pamamagitan niya nakilala ng tao ng lubos ang Diyos at ganap niyang naranasan ang kanyang pag-ibig. Saan mo makikita ang isang Amang iniaalay ang kanyang sariling Anak para sa kaligtasan ng lahat? Ito ang tatak ng ating pananampalataya, si Kristo na nag-alay ng kanyang sarili. Hindi pa diyan nagtatapos ang kasaysayan ng pagmamahal ng Diyos sa tao. Ibinigay ng Diyos ang Espiritu ng Ama at ng Anak para manatili sa piling ng Tao. Kaya nang bumalik sa piling ang Ama ang Anak nanatili kasama natin ang Diyos, ang Banal na Espiritu bilang ating gabay. Ang lahat ng ito ay naganap nang dahil sa pag-ibig ng Diyos. Kung magkagayon, ang tatlong persona ng nag-iisang Diyos ang natatanging paraan ng mga Kristiyano na isalarawan ang kanyang karanasan ng pag-ibig ng Diyos bilang Ama, Anak at Banal ng Espiritu.

May nakilala akong isang pamilya, mga sampung taon na ang nakaraan. Ang mag-asawang ito ay taga-Mindanao, sa Surigao at siyam ang kanilang anak. Ang tatay ng pamilyang ito ay napakareligious. Isa sa mga malimit niyang dinadasal sa Diyos ay pasasalamat. Pinasasalamatan niya ang Diyos sa pagkakaloob sa kanilang mag-asawa ng siyam na anak. Ito ay testimonya ng kanyang pagkakilala sa Diyos bilang maylika ng lahat.

Ang siyam na kapatid na ito lahat ay nagsumikap na makapag-aral dahil alam nilang na wala namang maipamanang mga ari-arian ang kanilang magulang. Nang matapos ang kanilang kuya sa high school ito ay nagtrabaho sa Cebu at nag-ipon ng pera para gastusin sa pag-aaral ng sumunod sa kanya na kapatid. Nang matapos siya at nakapag-trabaho ito naman ang tumustos sa pag-aaral ng kanyang kuya. Yung ibang mga kapatid nila ay ganun din ang ginawa, nag-partner partner sila, isa ang nagtatarabaho para makapag-aral ang isa. Ang ginawa nilang pagsasakrispisyo para sa kapatid ay pagsasabuhay ng sariling pag-aalay ni Hesus ng kanyang sarili para sa ating kaligtasan, ang pinakadakilang sakrispisyo.

Anu ngayon ang nangyari sa isa na walang kapartner sa siyam na magkakapatid. Siya po ay naging pari ng SVD at sa kanya namin narinig itong kwento ng kanilang pamilya. Sabi niya, ito ang dahilang kung bakit siya nagpari, nainspire siya sa kanyang mga magulang na ibinigay lahat sa kanila at sa kanyang kapatid na nagbibigayan at handang iaalay ang sarili sa iba. Ganito naman ang Banal na Espiritu, “source of inspiration”, nabibigay lakas at tatag. (one that empowers).

Sa isang bukas na sarili at mulat na puso ang Diyos mararanasan bilang Ama, Anak at Banal na Espiritu na ipinakilala ni Hesus at ating makikita mula sa ating mga sariling karanasan. Ito ang ating idalangin na patuloy nating maranasan ang Diyos na mapagmahal sa ating kapwa.

Biyernes, Mayo 16, 2008

Saturday Week 6 Ordinary Time

Going up the Mountain

I have lived in the Tagaytay for five years, in 2002, 2004-2005, 2007-2008 where I finished my studies in Theology. On weekends, I and the rest of the seminarians leave our seminary and Tagaytay to go the different parishes mostly in Metro Manila where we are assigned. On our way, we usually encounter the heavy volume of cars and the heavy traffic going up to Tagaytay even on early morning. These only show that many people are coming to Tagaytay. What is true of Tagaytay is also true of Bagio. Initially, many of us would think that people go to these mountain destinations to rest, relax and recreate. But lately, during the two Saturdays and Sundays I was in Tagaytay I discovered another reason why people go to these mountain destinations particularly in Tagaytay. I found out that in the Pinks Sisters, in their monastery people come to visit the place and join the Sisters in Prayer. As early as Saturday morning until Sunday evening the Pinks Sisters’ Monastery are filled with pilgrims silently moving in and out of the Chapel. This is the very reason why Last year the Pinks Sisters have to double the size of their parking space by cementing an adjacent empty lot. Thus, in the Pink Sisters in Tagaytay there are just so many people coming to pray and spend time with God.

In our Gospel today, which is the account of Transfiguration in Mark tells us about Jesus being transfigured before the sight of Peter and the two other disciples up in the mountains. Obviously, they were there up in the mountain to pray. The Bible oftentimes, associate mountains with events of theophanies, as in the revelation to Moses and Elijah. In Mark as well as in Luke and Matthew, a mountain is a place of prayer. What i see here is a close connection between prayer and the experience of God's glory, as if saying that in prayer one experiences God. And this is inded the very reason why many people go to the mountain, to Tagaytay to pray and experience God.

"Prayer," says an anonymous quote, "is a passport to heaven, our communication to God." The quote underlines and recognizes the exclusive right of access if not at least the means of access of prayer to God. In fact, in prayer, we commune with God, or put simply, we are with God.
I believe, Transfiguration, that moment of experience of God, continuous to happen and be experienced by many individuals and communities in their moments of prayer. It is in this regard that we speak of religious experience.

The challenge for us is to widen the space of prayer to include in its scope our studies, work and our relationships where God is actively involved and waiting to be noticed. Let there be no dichotomy between work and prayer as might be implied and mistakenly construed from the famous Benedictine motto: “ora et labora.” Rather, let our work be done in prayer.

In this way, we become responsive to the Words at Transfiguration: "This is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased; listen to Him." Indeed, listening--being attentive of God's message is an integral part of prayer. In the words of Blessed Mother Theresa of Calcutta, "God speaks in the silence of the heart. Listening is the beginning of prayer."

May we then experience the Transfiguration of our Lord in our prayers, work, studies, relationships and in the people we meet.

Friday Week 6 Ordinary Time

“Take up your cross and follow me”
Noong mga naunang panahon sa America, partikular sa Estado ng Colorado, ang ginto at tellurium ay magkahalo na lumalabas bilang isang “tellurite ore”. Dahil hindi pa moderno ang pagpoprosesso ng metal noon at wala pa silang kakayahang paghiwalayin ang ginto at tellurium ay itinabi na lang nila na parang basura ang mga “tellurite ore”. Isang araw, habang ang isang minero ay nagluluto, napagkamalan niyang “coal” ang isang tipyas ng “tellurite ore” at ito ay kanyang ipinanggatong sa kanyang kalan. Makalipas ang ilang araw, habang tinatanggal niya ang abo mula sa kayang kalan laking gulat niya sapagkat sa ilalim ng abo ay naroon ang ilang butil ng mga purong ginto. Ang pagsusunog sa apoy pala ay naghihiwalay sa purong ginto. Hangang sa ngayon, patuloy na ginagamit ang maiinit na apoy ang mga alahero para ihiwalay ang purong ginto mula sa ibang mga metal kung sila ay gumagawa ng alahas. Ang mga ito ay nagpapatunay na ang nagniningas at mainit na apoy ang siyang tumatanggal sa mga ibang metal para lumabas ang puro at tunay na ginto.

Katulad din ito ng pagsunod kay Kristo. Kinakailangan ng apoy upang makita ang tunay na sumusunod kay Kristo. Ang apoy na ito na tumatanggal sa mga di karapat-dapat na sumunod kay kristo ay walang iba kundi ang Krus. Sa katunayan, ang sabi ni Hesus sa ating ebanghelyo ngayon, “Kung ibig ninumang sumunod sa akin, limutin ang kanyang sarili, pasanin ang kanyang krus at sumunod sa akin.” Kung meron mang layunin at dahilan ang pagpasan ng krus ito ay ang maipakita ang isang tunay na sumusunod kay Kristo. Ang Krus ay apoy na tutunaw sa mga sagabal sa pagsunod kay Kristo.

Noong nakaraang linggo, nakausap ko ang isang kaibigan. May sarili na siyang pamilya at may tatlong anak. Nagrereklamo na siya sa hirap ng buhay hindi dahil sa mga anak niya kundi sa pag-aalaga sa kanyang na-stroke na kapatid! Sabi niya, “Father, sorry po, pero malimit naiinis na po talaga ako sa kapatid ko! Isipin n’yo Father, limang taon ko na siyang inaalagaan, binibihisan, pinapakain, at ang mas nakakainis, kung kailan tapos mu na siyang linisan at bihisan saka naman uli iihi sa salawal.. Grabe talaga father, nagagalit na ako sa kanya!” Tinanong ko siya, “nagsasawa ka na ba sa ginagawa mu?” “Hindi po Father!” ang sagot niya. Tanung ko uli, “Bakit mo ginagawa ang lahat ng ito?” Ang sabi niya, “Syempre Father, kapatid ko yon eh!”

Hindi ko man nasabi sa kanya noong magkausap kami, ang kanyang pag-aalaga sa kanyang kapatid ay isa sa mga krus na kanyang pinapasan. At ang krus na ito ang nagpapatunay na siya ay ganap at tunay na tagasunod ni kristo at ang pagsunod na ito ay hindi peke o pakitang tao-lamang. Dahil hindi siya umiwas o sumuko sa pagpasan ng krus mas lalong nagiging puro at tunay ang kanyang pagsunod kay Kristo. Ang kanyang pagsunod kay Kristo ay katulad ng isang ginto na tinanggalan ng ibang elemento at naging puro gawa ng apoy ng krus na naglilinis sa kanyang puso at sarili. Hindi madali ang sumunod kay Kristo dahil mahirap ang pumasan ng Krus. Ngunit ito ang tangi at nag-iisang paraan para maging tunay ang pagsunod sa kanya.

Hindi naman kailangan na lahat ng tao ay sumailalim sa isang mahirap na karanasan na dapat niyang pagtiisang pasanin para masabing tunay nga ang kanyang pagsunod kay Kristo. Ang krus na pasanin ng bawat Kristyano ay anumang problema, pagsubok, hirap, kabiguan, at pait na kinakaharap sa araw-araw. Ayun sa nga mga mga Chinese, “ang mga problema na dumarating sa buhay ay mga opportunities—crisis are opportunities.” Totoo nga na ang mga di magandang karanasan ay “opportunities” para subukin ang tatag ng isang tao na bumagon at magwagi sa mga pagsubok at crises. (Challengges bring out the best in the person) Ang isang kristiyano ay tulad ng isang gintong nakahalo sa isang “tellurite ore” kailangan siya ay padaanin sa apoy ng krus upang ang pusong gintong nasa kanyang dibdib na sumusunod kay Hesus ay tumambad sa paningin. “Let the treasure of gold in each person come out by the purifying fire of the cross. Take up your cross then, and be the best gold that you are.”

Huwebes, Mayo 15, 2008

Thursday Week 6 Ordinary Time

“Who do you say that I am?”

Isa sa mga kababata ko ang kakaiba. Mabait naman ito at masunurin sa magulang, sa katunayan honor student pa ito noong kami ay elementary. Kami ay nagtataka sapagkat ayaw niyang pumasok sa simbahan. Minsan kinulit naming siya kung bakit ayaw niyang pumasok ng simbahan. Sabi niya, “Takot ako sa Dios!” Sabi namin, “Kami din naman ah, may takot sa Diyos. Bakit kami pumapasok sa simbahan?.” “Basta! Ayaw kong papasok ng simbahan. Natatakot ako.” Parang may phobia sa simbahan itong si Nelson. Nang tumagal nalaman namin na ito pala si Nelson ay pinapaluhod sa asin sa harap ng altar na nakadipa ng kanyang Nanay pag may ginagawang masama. Tuloy, pag may mga nakikita siyang santo o mga crucifix nanginginig na siya sa takot. Karaniwan nang nangyayari na kinukulayan ng karanasan ang pagkakakilala sa Diyos. Kaya para kay Nelson, ang Diyos ay mapagparusa.

Katulad ng aming barkada na si Nelson, nakulayan din ng karanasan ang pagkakilala ni Pedro kay Hesus. Noong sabihin ni Pedro na si Hesus ang Messias ay inaasahan niyang si Hesus ay mamumuno sa isang himagsikan para sila ay palayain mula sa kamay ng mga Romano at ng mapang-aping hari ng Israel. Kung kaya’t di niya matanggap ang sinabi ni Hesus na siya ay madurusa at mamamatay bago mabubuhay muli bilang pagganap sa kanyang nakatakdang layunin.

Hindi naging madali para kay Pedro na tanggalin o alisin ang karanasang kumukulay sa kanyang pagkakilala kay Hesus. Hanggang sa hiling sandali ng buhay ni Hesus umaasa siya na ito ay gagawa ng kababalaghan o gagamitin ang kanyang makadiyos na kapangyarihan para ibahin ang takbo ng mga pangyayari. Kaya di nakapagtataka na itanggi niya si Hesus ng makatlong ulit dahil di naganap ang kanyang inaasahang paraan ng pagliligtas ni Hesus.

Marami ang mga katulad ng kaibigan kong si Nelson at ni Pedro na di ganap na nakilala si Hesus sapagkat nakukulayan ito ng kanilang karanasan o hindi sapat ang pagkakilala sa Diyos. Meron akong isang kaibigan ang pagkakilala sa Diyos ay parang isang vending machine. Sa Vending machine, pag maghulog ka ng pera sa slot, kung ano ang gusto mu na naroon ay lalabas sa ilalim. Ganun ang tinging niya sa Diyos. Magsisimba lang ito pag may kailangan. Katulad noong nag-aaply ng US visa ang kanyang anak, araw-araw itong nag nonovena, lahat na ata ng simbahan sa Metro Manila ay pinuntahan. Ganitong pag-iisip din ang umiiral sa mga chain prayers sa kumakalat. Noon, papel lang na iniiwansa simbahan, ngayon e-mail na o di kaya ay text messages na. Ayon sa mga chain prayers na ito, pag ginawa mo ang sinasabi nito ay makakamit mo ang iyong mga kahilingan. Kawawa naman ang Diyos sunod-sunoran sa tao.

Anu nga ba ang isang tunay at maayos na pagkakilala sa Diyos na hindi nakukulayan ng karanasan at sariling pangangailang. Muli nating balikan ang sinabi ni HEsus, “walang nakakakilala sa Ama kundi ang Anak, walang nakakakilala sa Anak kundi ang Ama.” Samakatuwid, si Hesus ang tunay at ganap na nagpakilala sa atin ng Diyos. Ang kanyang mga gawa at aral ay mga pagpapakilala sa Diyos na mapagmahal at mapagpatawad.
How sacred is your heart?
Homily on the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Kaisa-isang anak nina Aling Maria at Mang Juan si Ben. Mabait at matulungin siya. Nagmana siya sa kanyang mga magulang na mababait din naman. Isang araw, isang matandang pulubi ang kinaawaan ni Ben. Inuwi niya ang pulubi sa bahay, ipinagluto at pinakain. Isang araw naman, samantalang nangangahoy, isang matandang gutom na gutom ang nasalubong niya. Pinakain din niya ito at binigyan ng damit.

Makaraan ang ilang panahon, nagkasakit si Ben. Sa kabila ng pagsisikap ng mag-asawa na pagalingin ang anak, lumubha pa rin ang kanyang kalagayan hanggang sa siya’y bawian na ng buhay. Ganoon na lamang ang iyak ng mag-asawa. Kinabukasan, habang nakaburol ang kanilang anak, dumating ang isang diwata. Hiningi nito ang puso ni Ben, Ibinaon ng diwata ang puso sa isang bundok. Ito ay naging punongkahoy na may bungang hugis-puso. Marami ang nakikinabang ngayon sa bungang ito.

Ilang linggo na lang ay ipagdidiriwang natin ang Kapistahan ng isang pusong higit pa sa puso ni Ben, ang Kabanalbanalang puso ni Hesus. Ang Puso ni Hesus ay pusong puno ng pagmamahal at pagkalinga sa sangkataohan. Ito ang puso na pinagbukalan ng ating kaligtasan, ang banal na puso ni Hesus.
Paano nagsimula ang ganitong debosyon sa Banal na Puso ni Hesus? Meron din kayang isang alamat na nakatago sa likod nito.

Sinimulang ang debosyon sa Banal na Puso ni Hesus ng ilang individual at mga pamayanang ng mga mongha noong ika-10 siglo. Ngunit ito ay mas ipinakilala ni Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque (1647-1690) na naniniwalang siya ay nakatanggap ng mga pagpapahayag mula sa Diyos. Tatlo sa mga ito ang maganda ang sinasabi tungkol sa Banal na Puso ni Hesus.

Ang una ay naganap December 27, 1673 (?). Sinasabi ni Saint Margaret na siya tinawag ni Hesus para inihimlay ang kanyang ulo sa dibdib ni Hesus upang pakinggan ang tibok ng kanyang puso na puno ng dakilang pagmamahal sa lahat at suguin na ipahayag ang pagmamahal na ito ni Hesus sa lahat.

Ang ikalawa ay naganap noong June/July 1674. Ayon kay Saint Margaret ay hiniling ni Hesus na siya ay parangalan sa larawan ng isang buhay na puso. Nakita ni Saint Margaret si Hesus sa busilak ng pusong nagmamahal at humihiling ng ganting pagmamahal sa pamamagitan ng pagtanggap ng komunyon at pagsasagawa ng “holy hour”.

Ang ikatlo ay ang “great apparition” na naganap noong June 16, 1675, ang “octave of the Corpus Christi”. Ayon kay Saint Margaret, sinabi sa kanya ni Hesus: "Behold the Heart that has so loved men ... instead of gratitude I receive from the greater part (of mankind) only ingratitude ...",Pagmasdan mo ang pusong lubos na nagmamahal sa sangkatauhan… sa halip na ganting pasasalamat ang aking natanggap mula sa sangkatauhan ay kasakiman, galit at pagkaghaman. Hiniling ni Hesus sa kanya na ipagdiwang ang Kapistahan ng Banal na Puso sa Biyernes pakatapus ng Linggo ng Corpus Christi at inutusan din siya ni Hesus na sabihing ang lahat ng ito kay Father de la ColombiĆØre, pinuno ng isang pamayanang Heswita. Kasama rin sa pahayag na ito ay kilalanin ng hari at ipalaganap sa buong mundo.

Malalim ang mga aral na mapupulot sa kasaysayan at pinagmulan ng debosyon sa banal na puso ni Hesus. Malinaw nitong sinasabi na si Hesus ay tunay na nagmamahal sa sangkatauhan, kaya ang tao tinatawag muli na magmahal din ng lubos. Kaya kung ang HEART ni Hesus ay SACRED, “how sacred then is your own heart?” Hayaan ninyo po akong isalarawan ang isang pusong banal sa pamagitan ng isang acronym: HEART.
H – Humble
E- Endurance in times of difficulties
A- Attentive to God
R- Respectful of Others
T- Trust in God
Ang isang puso ay sacred kung ito ay HEART.

Miyerkules, Mayo 14, 2008

Feast of Saint Matthias the Apostle

Feast of Saint Matthias the Apostle

Noong ako ay nagtuturo sa isang university ng SVD, isa sa mga pinagawa ko sa mga estudyante ay ang i-dramatize ang “washing of the feet” at ang “last supper.” Sa isang grupo, kung saan napunta ang assignment na ito ay tuwang-tuwa ang mga estudyante habang nag-aasign sila ng mga tao na gaganap. Ang isang estudyante na naassign bilang Jesus ay tuwang-tuwang, pakiramdam niya ang bait bait niya. Yong isa naman na gaganap na Pedro ay nagyayabang at ginagagaya si Pedro na astig ang dating. Maya-maya ay biglang nagkagulo. Isang estudyante ang sumigaw, “Ayoko! Ayoko niyan!” Ako ay nagulat kaya nilapitan ko na sila. “Anu ba ang nangyayari at bakit nagsisigaw yan si Jayson?” tanong ko sa kanila. Dali-daling sumagot si Jayson “Eh kasi po, si Lenny, pinipilit akong maging Hudas”

Sa mga Apostol, karaniwang inaayawan si Hudas dahil sa kanyang pagtataksil kay Hesus. Kaya malimit marami ang ayaw gumanap na ika-12 Apostol, bilang Hudas. Subalit, para sa mga Apostol mahalaga ang bilang na 12, kaya kailangan nilang humanap ng kapalit ni Hudas. At ito ay isang seryosong bagay na pinagukulan ng panahon at malalim na panalangin ng mga Apostol. Sa katunayan, ang unang gawa ng mga Apostol matapos umakyat sa langit si Hesus ay ang maghanap ng kapalit ni Hudas. 121 silang lahat na dumalo at nanalangin para piliin ang ika-12 Apostol. Paano nga ba nila pipiliin ang ika-12 Apostol.

Si Pedro ang tumayo at nagbigay mungkahi ng paraan para piliin ang papalit kay Hudas. Para kay Pedro ang papalit kay Hudas ay kailangang isa sa mga kasama ng 11 mula noong si Hesus ay binyagan sa ilog Jordan hanggang sa si Hesus ay umakyat sa langit. Dalawa mula sa naroon ang kasama nila noon pa man. Si Matthias at si Jose na tinatawag ding Barsabbas. Hindi naging madali sa mga Apostol ang pumuli ng ika-12. Kilala nila pareho sina Matthias at Jose na mabubuti at nagmamahal ng lubos kay Hesus. Di nila malaman kung sino ang pipiliin. Kung sila man ay pipili, ito din kaya ang pipiliin ng Panginoong Hesus? Kaya minabuti nilang magsapalaran. Anu man ang resulta nito, naniniwalang silang ito ang kalooban ng Diyos. Sa kanilang pagsapalaran, si Matthias ang lumabas na ika-12 Apostol. Sa buong Bibliya, ito ang una at huling pagkakataon na si Matthias ay nabanggit.

Anong mga katangian mayroon ang mga Apostol para sila ay piliin? Ayon kay Clement ng Alexandria, si Matthias ay pinili ni Hesus hindi dahil kung anong mayroon siya, kundi kung magiging anu siya. Pinili si Matthias ni Hesus hindi dahil siya karapadat-dapat na mapabilang sa hanay ng mga Apostol kundi binigyan siya ni Hesus ng biyaya upang maging karapat dapat. Ang biyayang ito ay ang lakas ng loob na ipahayag ang mabuting balita ni Hesus sa lahat ng tao buhay man ang maging kapalit nito. Kaya tulad ng iba pang mga Apostol si Matthias din ay nag-alay ng kanyang sariling buhay sa ikalalaganap ng mabuting balita.

Di lamang mga Apostol o mga Pari ang pinili ng Diyos. Sa katunayan lahat ay inaanyayahan ng Diyos. Ikaw, ako, tayo ay pinili ng Diyos. Hindi dahil tayo ay karapat dapat na mapabilang sa kanya, kundi dahil minarapat niya, gusto ng Diyos na tayo ay makapiling niya, kaya gumawa siya ng paraan upang tayo ay mapasakanya. Ito ang dahilan kung bakit naparito at nakipamuhay kasama natin ang Anak ng Diyos, si Hesus.

Para sa mga Apostol ang pagsunod kay Hesus ay hindi naging madali kundi puno ng hirap. Sa katunayan, ibinihos nila ang kanilang dugo, sila ay nag-alay ng buhay. Kaya, sa mga pagkakataong tayo ay sinusubok ng hirap sa pagsunod kay Hesus, nawa ang buhay ng mga Apostol ang mgbigay lakas sa atin ng loob at pag-asa na manatili sa piling ng Diyos.

Martes, Mayo 13, 2008

Tuesday Week 6 Ordinary Time

Watch out, guard against the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod

Noong ako ay nasa college seminary diyan sa Christ the King, pag bakasyon kami ay pinauwi din ng mga pari. Kaya nakikita ko uli ang mga dati kong barkada noong high school. Isa sa mga malimit kong pasyalan ay si Mae. Naalala ko noong high school kami, ito si Mae ang “apple of the eye” ng aming mga teachers kasi siya ay magalang, tahimik sa klase, di nalalate, walang bisyo, sempling manamit, malinis, sa medaling sabi, siya ay dalagang Pilipina.
Ako ay enjoy na enjoy na pumunta sa kanila kasi, tuwing bakasyon merong bago sa kanya. Noong unang bakasyon, napansin ko, umikli ang kanyang damit na isinusuot. Nang sumunod na bakasyon, may kulay na ang kanyang buhok. Nang mga sumunod na bakasyon, dumami ang kanyang hikaw. Minsan tinanong ko siya, “bakit ganyan na ang itsura mo? Ang sagot niya, “Tol, ito na ang uso ngayon! Ikaw kasi lagi kang nakakulong sa seminaryo, kaya tuloy di ka na updated.”
Noong huli kong makita si Mae, ito ay buntis. Pinuntahan ko siya sa kanila. Totoo nga na siya ay buntis. Ako ay talagang mausisa kaya tinanong ko siya, “Ang daya mo Mae, nag-asawa ka na pala di ka man lang nag imbita…” Medyo alanganin ang sagot ni Mae, “Di naman ako nag-asawa… Nabuntis lang ako.” Gulat na tinanong ko siya, “Eh, nasaan ang Tatay ng baby mo?” “Di ko nga alam eh…” ang nihihiya niyang tugon sa aking kakulitan. Mula sa may kusina, ang sabi ng kanyang nanay, “Di mo ba alam, yan na ang uso ngayon..”
Ang sagot ng nanay ay gawa-gawa ko na lang yon. Pero si Mae ay tunay, at maraming mga katulad na kabataan sa ngayon na sumasabay sa uso at lakad na panahon na malimit ay naliligaw ng landas. Si Mae at marami pang iba ay pawang mga biktima ng laganap na kulturang ginagatongan ng media. Marami ang nag-iisip na anuman ay ipinapakita ng TV ay tama, maayos at pinakamaganda lalo na kung ito ay sinasabi, ginagawa ng mga sikat at kilalang personalidad sa TV. Kaya kung anu ang nasa TV yan ang nangunguna sa kalsada.
Minsan, ako ay na nasa isang meting ng isang organization. Nagkabiroon ang mga kasapi at ang sigaw, “Burger! Burger! Burger!” Nagtawanan sila lahat, ako lang ang naiwang di nakatawa; di ko pa kasi napanood itong commercial na ito sa TV. Out of date na nga ba talaga ako! O talagang malawak ang impluwensiya ng kulturang binubuhay ng media. Sa tingin ko, maliban kay Pres. GMA, ang media ang isa sa pinakamalawak ang implwensiya sa sa mga Pilipino. Kaya kung wala ang pag-iingat tiyak, marami ang mapapahamak. Marami pang mga katulad ni Mae, ang mag sasabi, “ito ang uso ngayon!” na nakikita at napapanood ng marami sa TV.
Sa ngayon, marami ang naalarma sa lumalawak na kakayahan ng media na bilogin ang isipan ng marami lalong-lalo na ang mga kabataan. Kaya marami lalo na ang mga guro ang nagpapaalala sa mga magulang na bantayan ang mga bata habang sila ay nanonood ng TV. Talagang ang media ang isa sa mga may malawak na implwesiya sa buhay ng nakakarami ngayon.
Noong panahon ni Hesus wala pang TV at ang mga Paresio at si Herodes ang may malawak na kapangyarihan at impluwensiya sa buhay ng mga nakakaraming Hudyo. Alam ni Hesus ang kalagayang ito ng mga tao, kaya pinalalahan niya ang kanyang mga alagad na mag-ingat: “Watch out, guard against the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod.”
Kung narito si Hesus at kasama natin ngayon, ito ang maaring sasabihin niya, “Watch out, guard against the leaven of the Media.” Katulad ng mga Pariseo at ni Herodes, ang Media din tututulan at lalabanan ni Hesus dahil sa sila ay mapagkunwari at mapaglinlang. Simple lang naman ang nais ni Hesus, at ito ay ang mamayani ang katarungan at manaig ang katotohanan. Kaya, anumang ang sagabal sa katarungan at katotohanan ay kanyang tinututulan. Kung saan umiiral ang katarungan at katotohanan nariyan din si Hesus ang Diyos na buhay.
Ang tunay na sumusunod kay Hesus ay magiging maingat sa pagtanggap sa makabagong kulturang pinapatakbo ng media. Para sa kanya, ang katarungan at katotohan ang batayan ng isang kulturang makadiyos at makatao. Kung hindi, paulit-ulit niyang maririnig ang babala ni Hesus, “Watch out, guard against the leaven of the Media.”

Biyernes, Abril 25, 2008

Feast of Saint Mark the Evangelist

Feast of Saint Mark, Apostle and Evangelist

Among the sacred books used in the liturgy it is only the Book of Gospels that is carried during the processional at the beginning of the Mass and at the Gospel acclamation. The Sacramentary, the book of the prayers of the faithful and the Roman Pontifical are not being given the dignity of being carried in the processional. This liturgical gesture tells us that the Book of Gospels occupied a very significant place in the life and worship of the Church. Now, what makes the Book of Gospel very important for us and the Church? It is simply because it contains the account of the words and deeds of Jesus who made all things possible for our salvation. In this way, this book is indeed a Good News.

Today, we have the privilege of seeing, touching and most of all reading this Good News of our salvation because of some dedicated individuals who made such great efforts of writing them down. We owe it to the evangelists who readily made themselves available to write down their particular witness of Jesus. None of us today, have seen Jesus walk on this earth, yet because of the work of evangelists we came to know much about who Jesus is. For this, we are very much thankful to the evangelist who allowed the Holy Spirit to work in them and bring to us Jesus, the word of God. In particular, we recognize and acknowledge Saint Mark for preserving for us the memory of Jesus. Mark did not only consign to writing the story of Jesus and his work of our redemption but was the first to do so. Thus, what he wrote possesses the authority of being the closest link to Jesus’ lifetime.

On his part, Mark stresses Jesus’ message that the Kingdom of God is now beginning to be realized and its realization in our midst is Jesus himself. That this kingdom is the one of redemption through Jesus who by his suffering and death on the cross make himself a sacrificial offering in order to save us. Because of the redemption accompanying the Kingdom of God, Jesus felt the urgency of for this Good News to be preached by the Apostles as told to us in the last part of the Gospel from Mark which we have read today: “Go out to the whole world and proclaim the Good News. He who believes and is baptized will be saved…”

It is precisely because of this faith and baptism we have received that we too are called to share in the same mission of the Apostles. Like the Apostles, Jesus is also calling us to preach the Good News. Our mission is to share Jesus to others. Without being aware of it, we have already carried out this mission of the Apostles of sharing the story of Jesus to others by our kind words and generous deeds. For the best way to preach the Good News is first and foremost to live it. As Pope Paul VI once powerfully said, “Today the world listens to teachers, not because of what they preach but because they are witnesses.” This is to tell us that one effectively preaches Jesus by becoming first his witness. This is what Mark, an apostle and evangelist wishes to tell us today, to be witnesses of Jesus, the Divine Word.

Linggo, Abril 13, 2008


Hesus, Pinto ng Kaligtasan at Mabuting Pastol
(Sunday IV Easter Jn x, 1-11)

Anu nga ba yong TV drama series sa ABS CBN na pinagbibidahan nina Angel Locsin at Piolo Pascual? LOBO
Alam n’yo po, noong panahon ni Hesus isa pinakakaiwasan ng mga Pastol ay ang mga mababangis na lobo na pumapatay at nangangain ng mga tupang inaalagaan nila. Kaya, sa gabi, dinadala ng mga pastol ang kanilang mga alaga sa isang nababakurang kulungan para ligtas ito mula sa mga lobo na malimit sa dilim ng gabi umaatake.

Ang ating ebanghelyo ngayon ay tungkol sa pintuan ng nabakurang kulungan ng mga tupa at sa mabuting pastol ng mga tupa na nagbibigay ng ligtas ng kanlungan sa mga tupa. Sa dulong bahagi ng ebanghelyo natin ngayon sinasabi nito na ang pintuan at mabuting pastol ay walang iba kundi si Hesus. Si Hesus ang pintuan ng Kanlungan ng mga Tupa at ang Mabuting Pastol.
Una, si Hesus ang Pintuan ng nababakurang kanlungan ng mga Tupa. Sinasabi ng Ebanghelyo na si Hesus bilang pintuan ay daan tungo sa kaligtasan: “Ang sinumang pumapasok sa pamamagitan ko ay maliligtas. Papasok siya at lalabas at makakatagpo ng pastulan”. Tunay ngang si Hesus ay daan tungo sa kaligtasan, sapagkat siya ang bukas na daluyan tungo sa Dios Ama.

Naalala ko ang kwento ng isang kakilalang madre. Sabi niya, nabigla siya nang ang kanyang kaibigan na bago lamang nabyuda ay lumapit sa kanya at nagpasalamat sa kanya. Sabi nito, “Sister maraming salamat at nakilala ko kayo.” Nagtataka siya kung bakit pinasasalamatan siya nito kaya tinanong niya ito: “Lyn, anu ginawa ko sa iyo na ipinapagpasalamat mo?” “Wala naman po Sister!” Sabi nito, “Gumagaan lang ang loob ko pag ako ay pumunta ako sa inyo. Pakiramdam ko karamay ko ang Dios sa sakit at pangungulila ko sa pagkawala ng aking asawa. Di ko pa makakayanan ang pagkawala ng aking asawa kung hindi ako lumalapit sa inyo at nakikipagkwentohan.”

Dahil sa kanyang kakilalang madre, nararanasan ni Lyn ang pagkalinga sa kanya ni Hesus, ng Dios. At sa pamamagitan ni Sr Agnes, naranasan ni Lyn ang Diyos bilang isang ligtas at payaang kanlungan sa panahon ng kanyang pagdurusa at pangungulila. Tunay nga na si Hesus ang pintuan ng kaligtasan.

Pangalawa, si Hesus ang Mabuting Pastol na inilaan ang kanyang sarili para sa kanyang minamahal na kawan. Ang Tunay na pastol, sabi ng ating ebanghelyo ay pinakikinggan ang tinig ng mga tupa. Ang boses ng Tunay na pastol ay kilala at sinusundan ng mga tupa. Sa kabilang dako ang mga tupa ay kilala din ng mabuting pastol: “tinatawag niya ito sa kani-kanilang pangalan.”

Sa Pilipinas bihira ang nag-aalaga ng tupa, ang marami ay baboy. Minsan ng umuwi ako sa amin sa bikol, pinutahan ko sa bahay niya ang isang kababata at inabutan ko siyang nililinis ang kanyang piggery, na may bagong panganak na inahing baboy na ay 12 biik. Tuwang-tuwa siyang sinalubong ako at ipinakita ang mga magkakasinlaking biik, sabi niya, Rev. malaki ang kikitain ko ngayon, yang 12 na book sold out na yan.” Inisa isa niyang itinuro, “ Yong tatlo ay bibilhin ni kapitan, yong dalawa kay Kumaring Lydia, young isa ay kay Rodrigo, etc..” Sa tingin ko ay walang pagkakaiba ang mga biik, pare-pareho ang itsura. Kaya tanong ko sa kanya, “Paano mo natandaan na yan, ang para kay kapitan, at yan ay kay Lydia, ang yun ay kay Rodrigo.” Ang dali-dali niyang sagot ay, “isang buwang at kalahati ko nang araw-araw na nakikita at pinapapakain ang mga iyan. Kaya kilala ko na sila.” Kilala ni Romy ang kanyang mga alaga sapagkat naglaan siya ng panahon sa kanila.

Katulad ni Romy na kilala na ang kanyang mga alagang biik, ang pastol din ay kilala ang kanyang mga tupa sapagkat siya ay naglaan ng panahon sa kanila. Tayo ay kilala ng Diyos sapagkat siya ay naglaan di lamang ng panahon kundi sinugo niya ang kanyang Anak, si Hesus na mamuhay kasama natin.

Tunay nga na si Hesus ay pintuan tungo sa kaligtasan at isang mabuting pastol, tayo’y kanyang kilala at atin siyang sinusundan.
Si Hesus bilang pintuan ng Ligtas na Kanlungan at mabuting Pastol ay nag-aanyaya at tumatawag na siya ay sundan. Magiging mapayapa at madali ang ating pagsunod sa mabuting pastol kung lubos nating siyang kilala. Isa sa mga mabisang paraan upang lalo nating makilala si Hesus, ang mabuting pastol ay alamin ang kanyang buhay (bibliya). Ang buhay na ito ng mabuting pastol ay nasusulat sa Bibliya. Kaya para makilala si Hesus, ang Mabuting Pastol, magbasa ng Bibliya.

Pangalawa, makilala din si Hesus kung magbibigay ng panahon sa kanya (panalangin). Sabi nga, sa panalangin, tayo ay nakikipag-ugnayan sa Dios (communicate with God)
Sa bawat pagdiriwang ng Eukaristiya ay naririnig natin ang Salita ng Dios na nagpapakilala kay Hesus, at tinatanggap natin si HEsus sa Banal na kumonyon.Kaya ang Banal na Misa ay isang pakikipagtagpo sa Dios, isang pagkakataong mapalalim ang ating pagkilala kay Hesus ang mabuting pastol.

Nawa mas lalo nating makilala at mahalin si Hesus upang maging ganap ang ating pagsunod sa Kanya, ang mabuting pastol.

Linggo, Pebrero 17, 2008

Saturday of First Week of Lent

Love your Enemies

One thing that many people find difficult to do in this world is to follow what our Gospel today teaches: “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”
It is easy to love one’s parents, sisters and brothers and close friends because there is something that bids us together. Loving the other becomes easy when we can connect most especially if this connection is blood or significant experiences that bridge the gap between two persons.

But to love one’s enemies is like asking what is impossible. Look at what is happening around us. See how Arab nations and most Muslims countries hate the Americans. See also how the Americans hate the world and could trust no one. We need not look far to see how this hatred had been fueling so much violence in our very own country. The rising number of slain journalists, missing persons and how our politicians quarrel over kickbacks are solid indications of all of these. From all of these, it seems that the command of the Lord: “Love your enemies” could never happen.

Certainly, we cannot love our enemies unless we stop loving only ourselves and give ourselves fully to God. For the love of God is the sole basis of loving our enemies. Unless we love God, we cannot love our enemies. I guess most of us knows that Pope John Paul II was once shot by a Turkish national, Mehmet Ali Agca on May 13, 1981. The Pope survived the assignation but was in serious condition. Soon after his recovery, the Pope visited Agca in his prison cell and spoke privately with him. This meeting caught the world in awe and admiration at the gesture of kindness, of friendship shown by the Pope to his aggressor. The world could only marvel at the greatness and love that made it possible for a victim to talk and extend peace to his killer and offer forgiveness.

As if words of forgiveness were not enough , the Pope requested the Italian President to pardon Agca. The latter then was released on parole in January 12, 2006. No doubt, Pope John Paul II did love his enemy. And it was possible for him to love because he loves God first. It is in loving God with all our heart, all our mind and all our being that we can love our neighbors and even our enemies.

Sabado, Pebrero 16, 2008


Usually, newly wed couples would have the best experience of their lives on their wedding day. They are the most sought after couple as almost all would come to greet them wearing their best smiles. “Congratulations!” This is one wonderful experience that the couple would like to prolong and extend as they want to savor the moment and enjoy the time they are in high spirit.

In the event of the Transfiguration, Peter with James and John was also in the high spirit. He had the best experience of Jesus as the Son of God and he too wanted to prolong it. The feeling was so sweet in there that he wanted Jesus to stay as is, “Lord, it is good that we are here.”But the joy the Peter experienced is connected with his experience of the glorious God in Jesus who is destined to suffer and die on the cross for our sake. For this Peter was to be afraid.

It must be remembered that in the early part of the Gospel Jesus rebuked Peter because he does not want Jesus to undergo suffering, “Never Lord, this will not happen to you.” So when it was revealed to him in the transfiguration that Jesus, the Son of God will have to suffer and die on the cross, Peter tremble in fear not of pain and death but of the great sacrifice and love the Lord has to take because of us. In other words, Peter too experience transfiguration in himself as his view of the Lordship of Jesus changed with his transfiguration experience of the Lord.

Like Peter, we too are privileged to constantly experience a transfiguration of the Lord everytime we celebrate the Eucharist. When we break the bread and receive the body of Christ in Holy Communion we share in the fruits of Christ's great sacrifice on the cross. Hopefully, like Peter, as we behold the body of Christ we will tremble before God’s great act of love, the God who humbled himself to become like us and allowed himself to be broken as bread for us to partake. Let us then tremble not out of fear but out of gratitude for such great privilege to be loved by Jesus, the Son of God.

But our transfiguration experience does not end in the Eucharist. Rather it begins here in our call to live out and practice our faith so that our relationship will itself be transformed and permeated by Christ. Moreover, our transfiguration experience continued as we respond to the call of proclaiming our faith to others, of sharing this great story of God who out of his great love allowed himself to suffer and die for our sake. What we practice and proclaim is our faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God who love us most. Amen.

Linggo, Pebrero 3, 2008

4th Sunday of Ordinary Time


What we have heard proclaimed in our Gospel today is the famous 8 beatitudes which speaks about those who are blessed. In others versions of the Bible, the word used instead of blessed is happy. I believe there is an equally valid reason for such translation. Since someone who is blessed is one that is significantly happy.

Let me share with you an anecdote of a boy which was interestingly entitled “Secrets of Hapiness” told by a Rabbi: A young man once came to meet me in Jerusalem. He had an unusually happy disposition, so I asked him what's his secret. He told me:

"When I was 11 years old, I received a gift of happiness from God.
"I was riding my bicycle when a strong gust of wind blew me onto the ground into the path of an oncoming truck. The truck ran over me and cut off my leg.

"As I lay there bleeding, I realized that I might have to live the rest of my life without a leg. How depressing! But then I realized that being depressed won't get my leg back. So I decided right then and there not to waste my life despairing.

"When my parents arrived at the hospital they were shocked and grieving. So I told them: 'I've already adapted. Now you also have to get used to this.'
"Ever since then, I see my friends getting upset over little things: their bus came late, they got a bad grade on a test, somebody insulted them. But I just enjoy life.

At age 11, this young man attained the clarity that it is a waste of energy to focus on what you are missing. And that the key to happiness is to take pleasure in what you have. Sounds simple, doesn't it? So why are so many people unhappy?

After reading this anecdote, I noticed that the situation of the happy boy is as worse as what is described as blessed in our Gospel today. Yet in both ways, the boy is said to be happy and those in difficult situations in the beatitudes are noted to be blessed.

By our common and worldly standards, having lost a leg is certainly not something we will be very happy about. Yet the boy was happy. In the same way, being poor, persecuted, oppressed and in some other difficult situation is not a cause for rejoicing. What then constitutes happiness? How come we say that a desperate situation is blessed.

What was said in our anecdotes is very enlightening: “The key to happiness is to take pleasure in what you have.” In other words, happiness is not all about having this and having that or doing this or that. Rather happiness is being in such a positive disposition in a particular situation no matter what it is. In a very secular outlook, they say, it is a state of mind. Actually, this is not altogether secular for this being is being with God, this state of mind is a life centered or focused on God similar to what the beatitude calls blessed. They are blessed who inspite of the difficult situation remains and clings to God.

Like the situation of the boy, what the beatitudes describes is by no means a cause for rejoicing judging from our human standards. How in the world can we justify that someone tortured, harassed, in desperate need and self-sacrificing is blessed indeed? The world will certainly thinks that we are crazy. What makes their situation blessed is no the poverty itself, nor the pain and suffering inflicted on them by others but the sense of hope, their firm confidence in God in the midst of the troubles that surround them. These people described by the beatitudes might be lacking in material resources like money and power but they are rich of faith, hope and the love of God.

Being blessed is in many ways like happiness. To be blessed is not to have this and to have that but rather it is being… it is being with God, the best that is there for us. If God is at the center of our lives, we got is all, in Pilipino it sounds better: “Sa piling ng Dios wala ka ng hahanapin pa.” Indeed, by being with God we are truly blessed.

Miyerkules, Enero 30, 2008

Feast of Saint Paul, the Apostle

Feast of Saint Paul, the Apostle

One skeptic posed a challenge about the resurrection of Christ: “Can you prove that Jesus is alive and is risen from the dead?” A lawyer replied: “Yes, by considering how the lives of others were deeply affected by the fact of his resurrection.”

Here the lawyer is referring to circumstantial evidence. In saying thus, he is telling us that there is resurrection because many people were changed, reformed, that is, they were deeply affected by the resurrection. Eventhough we have not witnessed ourselves the event of the resurrection by looking at those people affected by it, we can say that indeed, the resurrection did happen.

In particular, the conversion of Paul tells us that truly resurrection happened. The converted Paul who preached the Good News of salvation from Jerusalem, to the whole of the Mediterranean world is one convincing testimony of the truths of our faith--that Jesus is alive and have risen from the dead.

Actually, Paul did not meet nor see Jesus in his lifetime. What he had is the vision he experienced on the road to Damascus. Yet his zeal and dedication in spreading the Gospel equals that of the Apostles who were with Jesus from the beginning of his ministry to his death on the cross. That is why, Paul acquired for himself the name, Apostle to the Gentiles.
It is rather awkward to say that the life of Paul is an evidence of the Resurrection because it is like saying that Resurrection could not stand on its own, that it needs Paul to become convincing and be accepted in faith. What is rather proper is to say that the Resurrection was the one that empowers Paul . It is the fact that Jesus is alive and risen, or simply Jesus who puts the fire and all the energy in Paul to be such a great missionary and herald of the Good News to the ends of the world. Without Christ, his works are all in vain.

All of us in a way are like Paul. We too have not seen Jesus alive and walking in the face of the earth. What we have and hold on to is similar to what Paul had, a vision of Jesus alive which today we identify as religious experience. For us, it is the best and most valuable wealth, the best thing that we could ever have. We stubbornly cling to it, telling the rest that we cannot live without it, for Jesus is our HOPE. As we journey through life, it is Jesus who gives us the confidence that in the end we will rest in the Father’s embrace. SPE SALVI. “In hope we were saved” said Paul in his letter to the Romans.

Linggo, Enero 20, 2008

Feast of Sto.Nino

Feast of Sto. Nino
Least yet the Greatest in the Kingdom

Author and lecturer Leo Buscaglia once talked about a contest he was asked to judge.
The purpose of the contest was to find the most caring child. The winner was a four year old
child whose next door neighbor was an elderly gentleman who had recently lost his wife. Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the old gentleman’s yard, climbed onto his lap, and just sat there. When his mother asked what he had said to the neighbor, the little boy said, “Nothing, I just helped him cry.” (Arnoldus Nota Jan 2008)

Such simple act of kindness and thoughtfulness of the child merited him not only the admiration and acclaim of many who have heard of his story but will also merit him a place in the Father’s Kingdom. This child, truly exemplifies what our Gospel vividly declares today as the “greatest in the Kingdom of heaven,” which is none other than an honest to goodness act of kindness. I truly believe that our devotion to the Holy Child Jesus (Sto. Nino) is an expression of our inner longing and constant desire to be great in the kingdom while we remain unnoticed, unrecognized, and simple as a child. Certainly, there is much that we can learn from a child.

Honesty and openness are true marks of a child. Learning is easy and fun for them because of their eagerness and readiness to learn. Children admit and knew that they knew little and it pushes them to gain more. No wonder, children normally bombard us with questions. For us who are grown up we have become wise and complicated. Our actions will have always reasons and explanations. Here lies our problem and difficulty to such an extent that our acts of kindness and charity have to pass through our deliberative faculties.

Once, I was with my relatives going down the stairs of MRT station in Pasay, one of my younger nieces instantly drops a P5 coin in the cup of a child begging. When we get home, his Father strongly tells him not give because these kids were part of syndicate. Hearing that I came to realize that not only did we loss that personal attitude of honestly and openness, but the society itself had lost such atmosphere of openness and honesty. Hence, the message of a child remains very valid and relevant today. In our times when things are so complicated, the child’s call for honesty and openness is very urgent and needed. I believe many of us are naturally kind and charitable, but aware of the complex reality of life, that people are cheating on us, that there are many who would have no second thoughts of hurting us or even of killing us, it is not easy to be a child with openness and honesty. Today’s feast of the Sto. Nino is an urgent call for all, individuals and communities alike to bring back into our lives and communities the openness and honesty of a child.

One thing that I like about our devotion to the Sto. Nino is the various and different renditions of the Holy Child. I enjoy seeing the Sto. Nino dressed up as a fisherman, basketball player, doctor or nurse, fireman and a policeman. (Once when I came across this, I have to check if its hand is outstretched to receive a “tong”.) With these, I came to realize that our various renditions of Sto. Nino is an outward manifestation of a very deep religious thought. It expresses that religious vision of saturating every aspect of life with Christ. It is a symbol of our faith and hope to make God present in every moment of our lives, in all our relationships and in all dimensions of our communal living. This is exactly the inauguration and fulfillment of the same Kingdom preached by Jesus, “the Kingdom of God is at hand.” In other words, by dressing the Sto. Nino as a nurse, we are telling others that I see Jesus, I see God in the care of the sick, I see Jesus in my work to provide health care services to others. Or when we dress the Sto. Nino as a policeman, it expresses our hope that our law enforcers will be honest, that they will defend the weak, that they protect our rights, while at the same time we declare that God is our source of security as we find ourselves secure with our policemen. The applications and insights can continue on. All of them express our hope and faith to find and experience God in different people that cross our lives.

From these we can say that it is in finding God in the people we meet that we can regain the attitude of honesty openness of a child. But this is not an overnight job. It may take our whole generation before we see it happen. Nevertheless, it provides us with the direction and proper outlook of life. It gives us the opportunity to contribute in making our communities a better place where God reigns and children are the greatest of them all.

Feast of Sto.Nino

Feast of Sto. Nino
Least yet the Greatest in the Kingdom

Author and lecturer Leo Buscaglia once talked about a contest he was asked to judge.
The purpose of the contest was to find the most caring child. The winner was a four year old
child whose next door neighbor was an elderly gentleman who had recently lost his wife. Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the old gentleman’s yard, climbed onto his lap, and just sat there. When his mother asked what he had said to the neighbor, the little boy said, “Nothing, I just helped him cry.” (Arnoldus Nota Jan 2008)

Such simple act of kindness and thoughtfulness of the child merited him not only the admiration and acclaim of many who have heard of his story but will also merit him a place in the Father’s Kingdom. This child, truly exemplifies what our Gospel vividly declares today as the “greatest in the Kingdom of heaven,” which is none other than an honest to goodness act of kindness. I truly believe that our devotion to the Holy Child Jesus (Sto. Nino) is an expression of our inner longing and constant desire to be great in the kingdom while we remain unnoticed, unrecognized, and simple as a child. Certainly, there is much that we can learn from a child.

Honesty and openness are true marks of a child. Learning is easy and fun for them because of their eagerness and readiness to learn. Children admit and knew that they knew little and it pushes them to gain more. No wonder, children normally bombard us with questions. For us who are grown up we have become wise and complicated. Our actions will have always reasons and explanations. Here lies our problem and difficulty to such an extent that our acts of kindness and charity have to pass through our deliberative faculties.

Once, I was with my relatives going down the stairs of MRT station in Pasay, one of my younger nieces instantly drops a P5 coin in the cup of a child begging. When we get home, his Father strongly tells him not give because these kids were part of syndicate. Hearing that I came to realize that not only did we loss that personal attitude of honestly and openness, but the society itself had lost such atmosphere of openness and honesty. Hence, the message of a child remains very valid and relevant today. In our times when things are so complicated, the child’s call for honesty and openness is very urgent and needed. I believe many of us are naturally kind and charitable, but aware of the complex reality of life, that people are cheating on us, that there are many who would have no second thoughts of hurting us or even of killing us, it is not easy to be a child with openness and honesty. Today’s feast of the Sto. Nino is an urgent call for all, individuals and communities alike to bring back into our lives and communities the openness and honesty of a child.

One thing that I like about our devotion to the Sto. Nino is the various and different renditions of the Holy Child. I enjoy seeing the Sto. Nino dressed up as a fisherman, basketball player, doctor or nurse, fireman and a policeman. (Once when I came across this, I have to check if its hand is outstretched to receive a “tong”.) With these, I came to realize that our various renditions of Sto. Nino is an outward manifestation of a very deep religious thought. It expresses that religious vision of saturating every aspect of life with Christ. It is a symbol of our faith and hope to make God present in every moment of our lives, in all our relationships and in all dimensions of our communal living. This is exactly the inauguration and fulfillment of the same Kingdom preached by Jesus, “the Kingdom of God is at hand.” In other words, by dressing the Sto. Nino as a nurse, we are telling others that I see Jesus, I see God in the care of the sick, I see Jesus in my work to provide health care services to others. Or when we dress the Sto. Nino as a policeman, it expresses our hope that our law enforcers will be honest, that they will defend the weak, that they protect our rights, while at the same time we declare that God is our source of security as we find ourselves secure with our policemen. The applications and insights can continue on. All of them express our hope and faith to find and experience God in different people that cross our lives.

From these we can say that it is in finding God in the people we meet that we can regain the attitude of honesty openness of a child. But this is not an overnight job. It may take our whole generation before we see it happen. Nevertheless, it provides us with the direction and proper outlook of life. It gives us the opportunity to contribute in making our communities a better place where God reigns and children are the greatest of them all.